Tuesday 16 April 2024



Spring is still very slow here, and as some of you will have noticed, I "went away with the fairies" over the weekend, visiting the distant land of Eldoria. (Previous 5 [!] posts...) Yesterday, however, the rain had stopped and the wind died down. I called my hairdresser and asked if she could fit me in some time during the day. She could; so I went for a walk into town around noon. And walking through the park, I was happy to see that in spite of the rough weekend weather, the big magnolia tree there is starting to blossom - one sure sign of spring, after all...

After my haircut (as usual long overdue, but once I get there it does not take very long for my hairdresser's magic scissors to fix it), I went to "have a look" in a few clothes shops in the city centre. Somehow my two pairs of jeans seem to have mysteriously shrunk in the wardrobe over winter. No doubt the healthiest way to deal with that problem would be to shrink myself a bit too - but alas that's always easier said than done... On the other hand, the same ("easier said than done") goes for finding what I want in the shops. One might think those little labels with size numbers would be helpful; but more often than not, especially with trousers, it seems to me that sizes too keep changing with Fashion (even those years when I haven't changed much myself). Anyway... I did not manage to find any new jeans that "felt right" this time. But I did find one pair of thinner ('recycled linen blend'), wide, straight, black summer trousers with legs 'cropped' - which for me (not among the tall and slender) meant full length, and no need to crop them further... So I bought those. (The fact that they're black means they'll go with just about any top in my wardrobe.) 

Some day when the spring weather matches my mood, I might also take a trip to the shopping centre "across town" to see what they have to offer there.

Monday 15 April 2024

Eldoria, part 4: From Darkness to Light

My instructions to Copilot:
Please continue the story, starting from the end of the following summary: - The Wizard Alaric and the two fairies Thalia and Liora (descendant of Elara, and now guardian of Elara's magic toothbrush that was used in the past to defeat the monster Gargantooth) are exploring the castle of Eldoria. In the Vault of Virtues they found the Crystal of Coalescence, which according to Alaric "can amplify the power of the magic tooth-brush, but only a true descendant of Elara can wield it." They also found a scroll with a prophecy about "a time when Eldoria would face a darkness greater than Gargantooth, and only the combined strength of the wizard, the guardian fairies, and the Crystal of Coalescence could banish it forever." With the crystal's power now bound to Liora, they left the vault; the crystal secured and the prophecy etched in their hearts. -

Chapter 4 - The Shadows of Skotos *

* In Ancient Greek, “σκότος” (skótos) means darkness or gloom. It can refer to physical darkness, as well as metaphorical darkness like ignorance or deceit. The word has also been used in various forms in religious texts to denote moral darkness or the darkness of the netherworld.

As the trio emerged from the Vault of Virtues, the castle of Eldoria stood bathed in the golden hues of dusk. The Crystal of Coalescence, now bound to Liora, pulsed with a gentle light, its rhythm in sync with her heartbeat. Alaric, with his staff in hand, led Thalia and Liora through the winding corridors, the prophecy echoing in their minds. 

The Gathering Gloom

Night fell over Eldoria like a velvet cloak, and with it came a chill that seeped into the bones. The stars, usually a glittering tapestry above, were dimmed by an unseen force. Alaric's brow furrowed as he sensed the stirrings of dark magic. "The shadows of Skotos," he murmured, "the darkness the prophecy foretold."


Thalia, with her fairy sight, peered into the night. "The stars are hidden, not gone," she whispered. "We must find the source of this darkness and restore the light."

The Quest for Light

Liora clutched the crystal, feeling its power surge. "The Crystal of Coalescence," she said, "it can guide us to the darkness's heart."

Alaric nodded. "We must be swift. The longer the darkness lingers, the stronger it becomes." With a wave of his staff, a map of Eldoria materialized, glowing lines tracing a path to the forest of Fae'lyn, where the darkness seemed to originate.


The Forest of Fae'lyn

The forest of Fae'lyn was a place of ancient magic, where the trees whispered secrets and the air shimmered with enchantment. As they entered, the darkness grew palpable, a smothering blanket that threatened to extinguish their resolve.


Thalia's wings fluttered, scattering motes of light that pushed back the gloom. "We are not alone," she said, her voice barely above a whisper.

The Guardian of the Dark

From the shadows, a figure emerged, its form shifting and changing. "I am the Guardian of the Dark," it intoned, "and you shall not pass."

Alaric stepped forward, staff raised. "We seek only to banish the darkness, not to conquer it."

The Guardian's form solidified into that of an ancient tree, its branches creaking. "Then prove your worth," it challenged.

The Trial

The trial was one of wit, courage, and purity of heart. Riddles woven from the threads of time itself, creatures born of shadow and fear, and illusions that tested their very perception of reality.

With each challenge, the Crystal of Coalescence shone brighter, its light a beacon of hope. Liora's lineage, her connection to Elara, gave her the strength to wield the crystal's power, dispelling illusions and revealing truths.

The Heart of Darkness

At the heart of the forest, they found it—a vortex of shadow, the source of the darkness that threatened Eldoria. Alaric and Thalia stood by Liora as she raised the crystal high.

"By the light of Elara, we banish thee!" Liora declared. The crystal unleashed a torrent of light, piercing the vortex, shattering the darkness.

The Dawn of Hope

As the darkness dissipated, the stars reappeared, twinkling like diamonds on a canvas of night. The prophecy had been fulfilled, but the journey of our heroes was far from over. For now, Eldoria was safe, but the world beyond its borders beckoned, and with it, new adventures.

And so, with the dawn came hope, and with hope, the promise of tomorrow.

(...for now...)

All images created by feeding quotes from the text back to Microsoft Designer or Image Creator.

Sunday 14 April 2024

Eldoria, part 3 - The Vault of Virtues

My instructions to Copilot:
Please continue the story with another chapter, starting from the end of following summary and quote: “Having listened to the wizard Alaric’s tale about how the fairy Elara had used her magic tooth-brush in the past to defeat the monster Gargantooth, the two fairies Liora (descendant of Elara) and Thalia felt a renewed sense of purpose. They knew that their journey was about more than just adventure; it was a quest to uphold the legacy of those who had protected Eldoria before them. - And so, with the tooth gleaming from its place in the castle's window, and the path ahead bathed in the stained glass’s kaleidoscopic light, they stepped forward, ready to face whatever mysteries awaited them in the heart of the castle. The kingdom of Eldoria, once buzzing with anticipation, now held its breath, waiting for the new chapter of its history to be written by the brave wizard and the two fairies, guardians of its past and hope for its future.”

The Echoes of Eldoria

As the last echoes of Alaric's tale faded into the hushed corridors of the castle, Liora and Thalia, with the wizard by their side, ventured deeper into the heart of Eldoria. The castle, a living testament to the ages, whispered secrets through its ancient stones, and the air was thick with the magic of yore.

The Enchanted Hallway

The trio entered a long, narrow hallway, its walls lined with portraits of Eldoria's past rulers, their eyes seeming to follow the fairies' every move. At the hallway's end stood a grand door, carved with runes that shimmered under Thalia's touch. "These are the ancient scripts of protection," Alaric murmured, his voice barely above a whisper. "They guard the entrance to the Vault of Virtues, where the most sacred relics of our kingdom are kept."

With a determined nod, Liora reached out, her fingers tracing the glowing symbols. The door responded, the runes dancing like fireflies before settling into a new pattern. The door creaked open, revealing a chamber bathed in a soft, golden light. 


The Vault of Virtues

Inside the vault, treasures of untold value gleamed, but it was the Crystal of Coalescence* that caught their eyes—a gem said to harmonize the energies of Eldoria. "This crystal," Alaric explained, "can amplify the power of the magic tooth-brush, but only a true descendant of Elara can wield it."

Liora, feeling the weight of her lineage, stepped forward. Her hand hovered over the crystal, and as her fingers made contact, a surge of energy coursed through the room. The crystal glowed brighter, its light enveloping her in an ethereal embrace.

*Coalescence = the joining or merging of elements to form one mass or whole. Some common synonyms of coalesce are amalgamate, blend, commingle, fuse, merge, mingle, and mix.


The Prophecy Revealed

As the light subsided, a scroll materialized before them, unfurling mid-air. Alaric caught it gently, his eyes widening as he read the ancient text. "It speaks of a prophecy," he said, his voice trembling with excitement. "A time when Eldoria would face a darkness greater than Gargantooth, and only the combined strength of the wizard, the guardian fairies, and the Crystal of Coalescence could banish it forever."

The revelation hung heavy in the air, a destiny foretold now resting on their shoulders. They knew what they had to do. With the crystal's power now bound to Liora, and Thalia's unwavering spirit, they were ready to face the coming storm.

Together, they turned to leave the vault, the crystal secured and the prophecy etched in their hearts. The kingdom of Eldoria, once silent in anticipation, now thrummed with a newfound energy, its fate intertwined with the courage of its guardians.

And so, the journey continued, not just a quest for adventure, but a mission to fulfill a destiny written in the stars, to protect the realm and ensure that the light of Eldoria would never fade. 

 * * * * * * *

Would you have been able to stop here, without pursuing it further? I could not; so the story will go on with one more chapter. Then I'll try to at least take a break from it for a while! ;-)  

Saturday 13 April 2024

AI and the mysterious "Eldoria"


The readiness of Microsoft's Copilot and Designer to introduce me to the fantasy kingdom of Eldoria (cf my previous two posts) rather took me by surprise. It seemed like a whole fantasy world by that name already exsisted "out there" and was just waiting to be explored further - rather like a computer game.

Before going on, I decided to ask Google what they knew about Eldoria. Now I was in for another surprise, because even though I can't recall ever having come across it before, it seems that 'Eldoria' is all over the internet, in all kinds of confusing and contradictory versions... There are lots of books written about it, but by different authors. And there are computer games, and images, and YouTube video clips, and websites I'm not even sure exactly what they do (I'd probably have to create an account to find out). And also people wondering in various kinds of forums why 'chatGPT' always seems to lead to Eldoria whenever they try to create something in the fantasy genre... (Which was also what I had started to suspect myself.)

Still finding it hard to quite make sense of it all, I returned to Copilot and asked straight out:

Me: Is the Eldoria used by Copilot the same as other Eldorias on the web?

Copilot's answer:

The term “Eldoria” can refer to different concepts and creations across various platforms and media, and it’s not exclusive to any single use. The Eldoria I mentioned earlier, such as the one in Roblox or on World Anvil, are independent creations that share the name but are not necessarily related to each other or to any version that might be used by Copilot.

Each Eldoria has its own unique context and content, created by different individuals or groups for specific purposes, like gaming, storytelling, or worldbuilding. The common thread is the name “Eldoria,” which seems to evoke a sense of fantasy and adventure, but beyond that, they are distinct from one another.

If you’re asking whether there’s a specific “Eldoria” that Copilot uses as a reference or a base for responses, the answer is no. Copilot does not use a singular Eldoria but can provide information or create content based on the various interpretations of Eldoria available on the web, as long as it aligns with the guidelines and capabilities I have as an AI. 

Thanks, Copilot. Knowing that, I think I feel a bit better about continuing to explore a bit more...

(At least one more episode already prepared, and will be coming up soon. I'll just give my readers as well as myself time to digest the above for a bit first...) 

(PS. It was raining all day yesterday as well... LOL)

Friday 12 April 2024

Eldoria, Chapter 2

Another dreary rainy day outside, and nothing special on my agenda; so why not continue exploring the mystical land of Eldoria, that Bing Copilot introduced me to yesterday...

Fellow blogger Sandra also encouraged me with the idea of in turn using quotes from the AI created story to create more images, and so on... So I decided to take my experiment a bit further, and see if I could get Copilot to continue the story where he left off yesterday, but also include answers to the things I thought he had ignored in the original image. So in the instructions I gave, I again included the same image, and repeated the last few paragraphs from yesterday, but also added what I expected the continuation to include:

Me to Copilot: Please continue the story from the quote and image below. The continuation should include an explanation of why there is a big tooth in the window above the door to the castle, and why the fairy on the stairs to the castle is holding a tootbrush instead of a wand.

"The wizard Alaric whispered an incantation, and the keys glowed with an ethereal light. The door creaked open, revealing a world within that was both wondrous and strange. Lush green plants and vibrant mushrooms lined the path, leading them deeper into the castle’s heart. As they ventured forth, the stained glass windows above cast warm, colorful patterns on the stone floor, guiding their way. The air was filled with the scent of ancient spells and the promise of discovery. And so, Liora and Thalia embarked on their journey, their spirits high and their minds open to the endless possibilities that lay before them. The kingdom of Eldoria buzzed with anticipation..."


Copilot obliged, and produced the following tale - bits of which I then in turn used to ask Image Creator for further illustrations...

Chapter 2

As the trio delved deeper into the castle, the story of the tooth and the toothbrush began to unfold. Alaric, with a voice as deep as the castle’s foundations, recounted the tale:

"In the earliest days of Eldoria, when magic was young and untamed, a great beast roamed the land. This creature, known as the Gargantooth, was born from the earth’s hidden energies and the people’s collective fears. Its massive tooth, a relic of its power, was said to be indestructible and was the source of its strength.
The Gargantooth ravaged the kingdom, its presence a constant shadow over the land.

It was then that a fairy, unlike any other, emerged. Her name was Elara, and she wielded not a wand but an enchanted toothbrush, a gift from the wise witch of the western woods. With this toothbrush, Elara did what no spell or sword could—she cleansed the Gargantooth’s tooth, purifying it from within.

As the bristles of her enchanted brush swept over the tooth, the Gargantooth’s power waned, and it retreated into the depths of the earth, never to be seen again. The tooth, now a symbol of purity and protection, was placed in the highest window of the castle, a reminder to all that courage and purity of heart can conquer the greatest of fears.



Liora, the fairy you see on the steps, is a descendant of Elara. She holds the toothbrush, not as a weapon, but as a symbol of her lineage and her duty. Each day, she polishes the tooth, ensuring that its magic remains strong, safeguarding Eldoria from the darkness that once threatened its very existence."


With Alaric’s tale echoing in their ears, Liora and Thalia felt a renewed sense of purpose. They knew that their journey was about more than just adventure; it was a quest to uphold the legacy of those who had protected Eldoria before them.

And so, with the tooth gleaming above and the path ahead bathed in the stained glass’s kaleidoscopic light, they stepped forward, ready to face whatever mysteries awaited them in the heart of the castle. The kingdom of Eldoria, once buzzing with anticipation, now held its breath, waiting for the new chapter of its history to be written by the brave wizard and the two fairies, guardians of its past and hope for its future."

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